- Corporate Immigration
- Employer Sponsored Visas
- Business Visa
- Visa Refusal & Cancellations
- NZ Citizens
- Family Visas
- Skilled Migration
- Other Visas
To apply for this visa you must either:
- hold a Temporary Graduate visa as the main holder; or
- have held a Temporary Graduate visa as the main holder and currently hold another substantive visa, or a Bridging visa A or Bridging visa B.
You will be eligible to apply if, as the main holder:
- you have held a Graduate Work stream or first Post Study Work stream Temporary Graduate visa that was:
- granted before 15 December 2021 and
- in effect on or after 1 February 2020
- have lost time on your visa because of Australia’s COVID-19 travel restrictions. This means:
- if you were in Australia when your original Temporary Graduate visa was granted, you have been outside of Australia while holding this visa between 1 February 2020 and 14 December 2021
- if you were outside Australia when your original Temporary Graduate visa was granted, you entered Australia on that visa, and the departed Australia on that visa before 15 December 2021
- have not had your Temporary Graduate visa, or any visa granted after you held your Temporary Graduate visa, cancelled, unless it was cancelled because you asked for it to be, or the decision to cancel the visa was set aside by the Tribunal.