Subclass 485 - Visa Enlivening

Visa Enlivening For Temporary Graduate Visa Holders - AustMSS - Migration Agents Australia

Temporary Graduate visa holders who are eligible for a replacement Temporary Graduate visa because they were affected by COVID-19 travel restrictions will have their visas extended or enlivened to 30 September 2022. Eligible visa holders will be notified directly by the Department.


To be eligible for a Temporary Graduate visa extension:

  • visa holders must have held a Temporary Graduate visa on 15 December 2021
  • the current visa expires before 30 September 2022
  • the primary visa holder was in Australia at the time of the visa grant
  • the primary visa holder has been outside Australia for any period between 1 February 2020 and 14 December 2021 (inclusive), and the visa has not been cancelled since 15 December 2021
  • The holder has not been granted a further substantive visa since 15 December 2021.


To be eligible for visa enlivening:

  • visa holders must have held a Temporary Graduate visa that visa expired between 1 February 2020 and 14 December 2021 inclusive
  • the primary visa holder was in Australia at the time of the grant
  • the primary holder of the visa has been outside Australia for any period between 1 February 2020 and 14 December 2021, inclusive
  • The Department did not cancel the visa, and the visa holder has not been granted a further substantive visa.

The visa extension is free and will occur automatically. The visa extension will include family members that were included in the original Temporary Graduate visa.


If you would like to discuss your Subclass 485 visa options, contact our office as below! 

Phone us on +61 3 9654 8611 

Please email us your resume at: [email protected]

or contact us through:

Send Us Your Migration Enquiry